Natasha L. Nelson
Natasha L. Nelson was born in Jamaica, and at an early age, she moved to the United States Of America. As she grew up, she ventured into the world of filmography, cinematography and music.
Nelson is a CEO, writer, producer, co-director, and musician. She works closely with Jean M Nelson, who is also a talented musician, composer, producer, writer, and director in both the film and music industries.
She co-wrote her first-ever full feature film titled, “The Passion Of Love,” with Jean M Nelson. This project made headlines as an Award-Winner of the Best Feature Film by Hollywood Forever Film Festival for 2019. In 2021, they unleashed a world-storming short film titled, “The Wonders Of The Witches”.
Most recently, Natasha and Jean M. Nelson have collaborated on their new upcoming album called, “Unforgettable”. This 12-track album is set to release on all digital streaming platforms soon on November 26th, 2021.
“Be Inspired. Never give up, and follow your dreams.”